Permanent Traffic Officer Vacancies 2024

Amahlathi Local Municipality invites suitably qualified applicants to apply for their Permanent Traffic Officer Vacancies (X4 Posts). The closing date for applications is the 8th August 2024
- Salary Scale: R 234 966-R 304 992 per annum excluding benefits
- Department: Community Services
- Matric plus Traffic Officer’s Diploma
- A minimum of 1-2 years’ experience in the relevant field, with firearm proficiency.
- Must be registered as a traffic Officer in terms of National Road Traffic Act 93 of 1996
- Must be registered as a T!
- A valid Driver’s License (Code B) is a prerequisite.
- Communicating with Senior traffic officers and attend to traffic bottlenecks caused through accidents, breakdown congestion and move vehicles obstructing traffic flow.
- Conducting scholar patrol functions and interacting with members of the public, schools, taxi associations and educating them on the rules and regulations of the road.
- Attending to accidents and securing the scene, identifying vehicles involved and ascertaining the nature of accidents.
- Patrolling, observing the streets and identifying with non-conforming practices.
- Acting on distress calls or information related to crime in process to establish location and details and executing specific policing sequences on the scene.
- Participating in routine checks and setting up and operating speed prosecution devices.
- Stopping vehicles to conduct inspection of driver licenses, vehicle registration and roadworthiness.
- Issuing of summons, compliance orders, executing warrants of arrests and preparing statements.
- Completing and submitting case files to facilitate prosecution and attending and defending specific action in the court of law.
- Submitting and testifying in court to protect the evidence of the case in question and assisting to safeguard the apprehended person during court cases.
- Providing support with ministerial and dignitaries escorts, security
- Recording the statements of witnesses and offenders and completing details of traffic offences prior to issuing the fines.
- Updating the occurrence book inserting details of incidents and activities attended to.
- Completing procedural documentation such as vehicles log sheets, time sheet, statements, inspection checklist inserting the appropriate details.
Interested persons should fill the application forms that are available here. The covering letter and detailed CV must be attached to the application forms together with certified copies of relevant certificates including ID, driver’s License and submitted to:
Amahlathi Local Municipality, Corporate Services Department, 14 Long Street, Stutterheim, or post applications to Private Bag X 4002, Stutterheim, 4930.
Enquiries please contact Ms T. Ndlamhlaba at (043) 492 1268
(adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({}) DOWNLOAD THE AMAHLATHI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION FORM HERE (adsbygoogle=window.adsbygoogle||[]).push({})CLOSING DATE: 08 AUGUST 2024
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